I have extensive experience working with adults who are diverse in terms of race/ethnicity, cultural background, religion, sexuality, age, and socioeconomic status. I have a strong background in health psychology and enjoy working with clients who have complex medical problems or are a family member of someone with complex medical problems. I also have a strong background in clinical assessment, neuropsychological assessment, cognitive rehabilitation, and in treating patients with an acquired brain injury or degenerative disease. In turn, I enjoy helping family members of people with an acquired brain injury or cognitive effects from a degenerative disease. Given my experience working in community mental health, I enjoy working with family members of the severely mentally ill and with family members of people with substance use disorders. All of these demands can pose a great challenge in terms of work/life balance.
Additionally, I understand corporate culture and its demands. Prior to this career, I was a senior engineer in charge of development projects and their budgets for two different fiber optic telecommunications device manufacturers. Prior to that, I worked in research and development for a medical product development company. Clients do not have to explain corporate culture to me, which can feel useful and time-saving.
Outside of work, I have always been very active outdoors. Currently, my husband and I indulge in spending as much time as possible with our active young twins. I still x-c ski and mountain bike when I can.